Polk County's Got Talent is COM's annual fundraising event that highlights local talent in a gameshow-like competition. Individuals and groups will compete for the favor of the crowd and judges to see who has the best talent in the County! But more importantly, this is an opportunity for our community to fully fund the local food pantry that serves 1,000 households each year in Polk County.
Stay tuned for details about next year's fundraiser!
PCGT 24 recording available now!
Donate to continue to support the pantry!
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2024 Contestants
Five of Eight (Nances)
Kenneth Kite & Pearson Casteel
Lailah Titterington & Elise Evans
Emily Shinn
Katie Brittell
CESG Senior Dance
Lindsey Clark
Jennie Fetters
2024 Champion
Five of Eight (The Nances)
2nd Place
Kenneth Kite and Pearson Casteel
Robert Clark (comedy)
3rd Place
Lailah Titterington and Elise Evans
Silver Star Line Dancers